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Category: ABC transporters for the uptake of iron/ siderophores
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Category: ABC transporters for the uptake of iron/ siderophores


1. Cellular processes

1.3. Homeostasis

1.3.3. Acquisition of iron ABC transporters for the uptake of iron/ siderophores

fecCiron uptake
fecD[SW|acquisition of iron]
fecEiron uptake
fecFiron uptake
feuA[SW|acquisition of iron]
feuB[SW|acquisition of iron]
feuC[SW|acquisition of iron]
fhuBsiderophore uptake
fhuCsiderophore uptake
fhuDsiderophore uptake
fhuGsiderophore uptake
fpbNacquisition of iron
fpbOacquisition of iron
fpbPacquisition of iron
fpbQ[SW|acquisition of iron]
yfhA[SW|acquisition of iron]
yfiY[SW|acquisition of iron]
yfiZ[SW|acquisition of iron]
yhfQiron uptake
yusVacquisition of iron
yxeBsiderophore uptake